I am hearing reports that WizDen auth server appears to be blocking SSMV at this time. (Example from the Discord)
If you wish to use a WizDen account, you should expect that you will likely need to use a different launcher going forward.
I am aware that other alt launchers are not blocked, however, SSMV will not be making any attempt to evade the user agent ban.
You can still use guest mode on servers that have it enabled.
I will be looking into developing SSMV Auth in future — it will probably take a bit. I would like to develop SSMV Auth in such a way that it’s at least partly decentralized and can’t be weaponized by any individual or group. Also, because auth is in engine code, this likely means a server will not be able to do both WizDen auth and SSMV auth and will unfortunately have to choose one type of auth (though I need to research this more).
((This is essentially the beginning of the hard community split. More details to come…))
Update: WizDen appears to have also blocked the BlepStation server from using SS14’s Auth Server, even when using stock WizDen launcher.